Production of whey and cheese
Perfect water for the entire production process
To guarantee an end product fit for purpose, ProMinent ensures optimum water quality at every stage of production, thereby reliably complying with statutory hygiene standards.
Requirements - Production of whey and cheese
Both ozone and UV systems are well suited to providing reliable disinfection of process water. Both types of disinfection system have the benefit of being very environmentally-friendly. To also suppress all potential microbiological risks, we recommend using metering and disinfection systems too, especially in CIP processes. ProMinent metering systems are an optimum solution for metering cleaning agents and disinfectants while highly efficient ProMinent systems produce chlorine dioxide or ECA.
Many dairies dispose of the vapour water produced during production via the sewer system. But it is often a good idea to reuse some of this water, firstly to cut high disposal costs and secondly to reduce the amount of fresh water used. For example, the water vapour can be used for the recooling towers, to flush all tanks and pipes, as a cleaning agent additive, as control water to flush the centrifuges or sometimes also in mould washing machines. Because vapour water often contains aromas and other organic substances, providing nutrients for germs, it is essential that it is first disinfected. Chlorine dioxide, reliably and safely generated on site with ProMinent's Bello-Zon chlorine dioxide generation systems, is a cost-effective way of doing this.