
Potable Water Supply in Hotels and Resorts

Only the best for your guests: clean potable water around the clock

Clean potable water is a basic requirement for guest satisfaction and therefore commercial success. ProMinent's treatment systems enable you to provide outstanding quality water all year round.

Requirements - Potable Water Supply in Hotels and Resorts


Cut costs with know-how and efficient systems

Public supplies of potable water or in-house water treatment from existing sources such as springs, seawater or surface water – ProMinent has the expertise to find the right solution and provides the appropriate systems for desalination and disinfection, for example. The ready mounted or specifically configured complete, ready-for-use solutions ensure continually high water quality through taste and odour neutrality, microbiological hygiene in line with the global WHO standards and, most importantly, continual availability. Another benefit is the reduced hardness, which greatly helps to preserve systems and pipework. Your operating costs are also slashed as there is no need for external water supplies.

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Cut costs with know-how and efficient systems

Public supplies of potable water or in-house water treatment from existing sources such as springs, seawater or surface water – ProMinent has the expertise to find the right solution and provides the appropriate systems for desalination and disinfection, for example. The ready mounted or specifically configured complete, ready-for-use solutions ensure continually high water quality through taste and odour neutrality, microbiological hygiene in line with the global WHO standards and, most importantly, continual availability. Another benefit is the reduced hardness, which greatly helps to preserve systems and pipework. Your operating costs are also slashed as there is no need for external water supplies.


Suitable products - Potable Water Supply in Hotels and Resorts

The solenoid-driven diaphragm metering pump gamma incorporates a wealth of eX cellent ingenuity! With integrated pressure measurement, it ensures the smooth running of your metering process. The gamma/ X is ideal for all metering work involving liquid media.


The peristaltic pump DULCOFLEX DF2a meters chemicals functionally, cost-effectively and quietly – ideal for use in swimming pools, hot tubs, and in spa and wellness facilities.


The peristaltic pump DULCOFLEX DF4a for metering flocculants and activated charcoal treats water precisely and accurately. It is ideal for use in swimming pools, hot tubs or spa and wellness facilities. An operating pressure up to 4 bar is possible.


The Sigma/ 1 Basic is an extremely robust motor-driven metering pump with patented multi-layer safety diaphragm for excellent process reliability. It offers a wide range of power end designs, such as three-phase or 1-phase AC motors, also for use in areas at risk from explosion.


The Sigma control type is a smart motor-driven metering pump that is setting new standards in terms of productivity, reliability and safety.


Our plastic storage tanks guarantee compliance with statutory specifications taking into account country-specific approvals, which regulate the production and operation of systems for storage and metering of environmentally-hazardous substances.


The proportional metering system Promatik is used in the potable water sector for the flow-dependent, adjustable metering of liquid media, like the EXACTAPHOS®. It consists of the metering pump beta, a contact water meter, a suction assembly with foot valve, level switch and wall bracket, and an injection valve and metering line.


The controller DULCOMETER D1Cb/D1Cc can be used for control tasks in potable water treatment, wastewater treatment and many other areas. Safe, convenient and clear, thanks to the large illuminated graphic display, plain text operating menu and pH sensor monitoring.


As a controller in water analysis, the DULCOMETER Compact is the correct controller for control tasks that require only a 1-way control.


Chlorine metering system for individual adjustment and monitoring of all common hygiene auxiliary parameters in public pools. DULCODOS Pool Professional ensures crystal-clear water quality and lowers operating costs thanks to Eco!Mode.


Photometers measure nearly all disinfectants and the pH value based on the photometric principle. They are portable, compact and make safe, simple measurement possible.


Chlorine dioxide system for production of a chlorine-free chlorine dioxide solution, especially suitable for multiple points of injection. Bello Zon CDLb produces ClO2 discontinuously using the acid/chlorite process with diluted chemicals.


Chlorine-free water treatment system for environmentally operated private pools. Safe water disinfection with active oxygen as a turnkey complete solution.


Do you wish for a simple controller for water analysis? One that is easy to operate and with which you can freely select between all common measured variables per channel? There is one: our all-rounder DULCOMETER diaLog DACb! What is more, it is Ethernet-/LAN-capable and can be ideally integrated into existing networks.


With DULCONNEX API, you can access your data on request from the DULCONNEX Cloud. Use this for integration into existing process control systems, SCADA, mobile or online apps as well as MES or share data with other digital solutions.


The DULCONNEX Inventory Management add-on is an extension to the DULCONNEX Platform. It can be used to monitor tank levels and inventory levels of chemicals at various sites regardless of your location. Tank level monitoring is based on the data of the DULCOLEVEL radar level sensor.


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