
Processing crude oil: Stamping out corrosion

Oil extraction occurs in locations that are extreme for people, nature and equipment. The machines, systems and components used have to withstand extreme mechanical and chemical loads.

Extremely corrosive

The chemical influences alone are highly varied as crude oil contains a large number of substances in very different concentrations, such as water, chlorine dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. The latter can produce corrosive acids, which can corrode even stainless steel pipes – to the point of pitting. Once the pipes have holes in them, the scale of damage is huge - not just for the environment but also in financial terms as extraction has to be stopped when leaks arise. The associated costs then quickly become six-figure sums. To prevent this from happening, corrosion inhibitors are added to the oil. These bind oxygen, produce a protective layer on the inside of the piping and prevent the formation of corrosive compounds. Precise metering is very important because metering either too much or too little would result in an even higher risk of corrosion.

Key figures

  • Corrosion inhibitors in the refinery to prevent costly pipe damage
  • Requires extremely precise metering as only then will corrosion inhibitors work as desired
  • Complete metering skid, containing 7 hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps Orlita® MF
  • Reliable metering even under extreme conditions
  • Pump design prevents chemicals from escaping

Extremely reliable

"So-called "High TAN" crude oil is particularly corrosive due to the large number of acids it contains," explains Aldo Rami Zimmermann, Assistant in the Process Technology division. He adds: "We therefore designed a complete metering skid with seven hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps Orlita® MF from ProMinent for a refinery processing this type of oil. They meter corrosion inhibitors and other chemicals with extreme precision." The hermetically sealed pump design, with multi-layered safety diaphragm acting as a "double base", prevents substances - some of which are harmful to human health - from escaping. Extreme temperatures of down to -20 °C and extraction pressures of up to 400 bar aren't a problem for these metering pumps. ProMinent therefore guarantees extreme reliability in extreme environments.

Extremely safe

  • Avoidance of costly production downtimes thanks to accurate metering
  • Safe operation thanks to encapsulation of dangerous chemicals in the pump
  • Reliability even at extreme temperatures and high pressure
  • Competent project processing

Used Products - Processing crude oil: Stamping out corrosion

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