
ProMinent sponsors “Rudern gegen Krebs” (“Rowing to fight cancer”) to the tune of €20,000

September 2024

This is the third time that the Heidelberg-based family-run business has sponsored this charitable event. The proceeds will go to the “Bewegung und Krebs” (“Exercise and cancer”) program, which supports cancer patients through physical activity.

ProMinent sponsors “Rudern gegen Krebs” (“Rowing to fight cancer”) to the tune of €20,000

Heidelberg, September 2024

ProMinent, a leading provider of metering technology and water treatment, is sponsoring the “Rudern gegen Krebs” regatta on 7 September 2024 with a donation of €20,000. This is the third time that the Heidelberg-based family-run business has sponsored this charitable event. The proceeds will go to the “Bewegung und Krebs” (“Exercise and cancer”) program, which supports cancer patients through physical activity.

The event is being organised by the Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (National Centre for Tumour Diseases) (NCT) Heidelberg in collaboration with the Rudergesellschaft Heidelberg (Heidelberg Rowing Club) (RGH) and Leben mit Krebs (Living with Cancer) charity on the River Neckar in Heidelberg. Over the last few years, the regatta has become one of the most important sporting and charitable events in the Heidelberg region.

ProMinent is proud to be part of this significant initiative and hopes that this year’s regatta will once again be a huge success. As a medium-sized company with a global impact, ProMinent is one of the larger companies in the Rhine-Neckar region. Involvement in social causes has always been an important element of the company’s culture. And this explains why the ProMinent group of companies has long supported numerous social establishments and institutions working in the areas of technology and science as well as clubs and charitable projects.

For more information about ProMinent’s involvement, please visit: ProMinent involvement

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